In my April goals post, I mentioned that I wanted to get some sort of exercise every day. This is awesome sauce, and I’m glad I made that goal.
My gosh he’s so stinkin’ cute. He may be rethinking this whole dating a blogger thing though Jk but the phrase “It’s for the blog, babe!” does come out of my mouth quite a bit.
I forgot how quickly you can lose your fitness, though. And that’s so humbling to me. I think I needed that to remember why I make these goals. Why I want to continue to lose weight. Why I want to be in better shape.
I’ve never been in great shape, although the best shape I probably was ever in was in high school while I was playing soccer (though I thought I was so fat then, *sigh*), but I certainly was more in shape than I am now last year when I was training for my half marathon.
We walked a mile the other day, and I was winded, sore and exhausted. A mile. Injuries suck, but it’s not okay to continue to use my injuries to my knee and then my back as reasons to not try. I don’t want to be winded walking a mile, or walking up the stairs. I want to be able to chase after my future children, and inspire them with my commitment to fitness.
This all really caused me to think.
I’m humbled, I’m a little sad, but I’m also really inspired. And that, my friends, is what makes me keep trying.
When was the last time an exercise or activity humbled you?