Hi y’all!! It’s been a hot minute (ha!) since I linked up with Andrea, Narci and Erica for Friday Favorites, and I figured it was high time I jump back on that train! I’m scheduling this post, as I’m away this weekend at the beach so I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful weekend! I’ll see you all back here on Monday. In no specific order, let’s jump right into my Friday Favorites!
Friday Favorite #1:
Celebrating this pretty friend of mine’s bachelorette (the proofreader is saying I spelled this wrong, whattt?) party this weekend! She’s one of my best friend’s and one of the kindest, beautiful inside and out person I’ve ever met and I’m so looking forward to celebrating her this weekend! /sappiness
Friday Favorite #2:
Crystal light in my water. #cantstopwontstop – I know, I know – but if it’s getting me to drink more H20 this is good, yes? Yes. Black cherry lime is my fav!
Friday Favorite #3:
Following my sister’s adventures via Facebook! She’s in Europe for the next few months and I am so thankful for the technology that allows me to see what she’s up to in real time. A favorite for sure!
Friday Favorite #4:
Monograms – aka a favorite all the time These beauties just came in from Glitz yesterday and I’ve been wearing them ever since! They’re super cute, and so lightweight I don’t even realize I’m wearing them! I’m kind of in love. And in love with monograms….
….but you already knew that! Helloooo doodles of monograms and my name. What am I 12?? Duh.
Friday Favorite #5:
A Fleet Feet coming to my area! I’m all signed up for their No Boundaries 5K program, and will be blogging my adventures in getting back into running. It’s been a long time (~2 years!!!) since I’ve run, and I’m really excited to be a part of this group and train smartly for my epic (ha) comeback to running with a 5K in November!!
Friday Favorite #6:
This girl. May we all be this happy and full of love for the world and just laugh! P.S. How sick are you all about me talking about B? Hopefully not because that’s not stopping anytime soon. I’m a proud Auntie of this little one and she’s adorable. #sorrynotsorry!
I was so lucky to get to spend last weekend with my college roomies and B (her mama is one of them!) to celebrate Lindsay’s Bridal Shower (yes having two Lindsays in the house was only slightly confusing… haha!) and then come back to L’s house to swim and hang out. I sure was sad to say goodbye to all of them on Sunday. Until the next time!
Friday Favorite #7:
These beautiful flowers coming up! They make me smile every day. Such a shame we’ll be leaving them here soon. On to bigger and better things!
Friday Favorite #8:
Speaking of moving, I can’t do a Friday Favorite this week without mentioning my love. He (and some other wonderful people… love you guys!) are moving us this weekend while I’m away. I did pack boxes so don’t think I’m a total loser y’all… but still! My heart is just so full of love for this man who makes me so happy and makes me feel so loved and appreciated every day. The fact that he is doing this for us while I’m away is just another testament to what a great man he is. I love you, J! Gosh – I’m gushing. I’ll stop!
Tell me: What are you favorites this wonderful Friday?